Where education is student-centered and innovative and learners are inspired to become great.
Our Schools
Franklin, Indiana
700 East State Road 44
Franklin, IN 46131
1399 Upper Shelbyville Road
Franklin, IN 46131
965 Grizzly Cub Drive
Franklin, IN 46131
1400 Webb Court
Franklin, IN 46131
Custer Baker
Middle School
High School
Virtual School
Coming Up
Public Notices
You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held before the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") on October 21, 2024 at the hour of 6:00 p.m. (Local Time) at Franklin Community Middle School, Franklin, Indiana, upon, a proposed Lease Agreement (the "Lease") to be entered into between Franklin Community Multi-School Building Corporation (the "Building Corporation"), as lessor, and Franklin Community School Corporation (the "School Corporation"), as lessee.
The proposed Lease upon which hearing will be held is for a term of twenty-two (22) years, commencing with the acquisition of title to a portion of the Custer Baker Intermediate School building to be renovated by the Building Corporation. The Lease provides for rental during renovation in the amount of up to $4,111,500 per payment payable on June 30 and December 31 beginning on June 30, 2025 until completion of renovations. Thereafter, the Lease provides for a maximum annual rental of $8,223,000, payable on June 30 and December 31 of each year during the term of the Lease, commencing with the completion of the building or June 30, 2027, whichever is later. As additional rental, the School Corporation shall maintain insurance on the building as required in the Lease, shall pay all taxes and assessments against such property, as well as the cost of alterations and repairs, and shall pay rebate amounts to the United States Treasury, as necessary. After the sale by the Building Corporation of its ad valorem property tax first mortgage bonds to pay for the cost of the building, including the acquisition of the sites thereof and other expenses incidental thereto, the annual rental shall be reduced to an amount equal to the multiple of $1,000 next higher than the sum of principal and interest due on such bonds in each twelve-month period ending on January 15 plus $5,000, payable in equal semiannual installments.
The Lease gives an option to the School Corporation to purchase the property on any rental payment date.
A portion of Custer Baker Intermediate School building will be renovated as the Leased Premises and is located at 101 West State Road 44, Franklin, Indiana in the School Corporation. The drawings, plans and specifications, including the estimates for the cost of said renovation as well as a copy of the proposed Lease, are available for inspection by the public on all business days, during business hours, at the Administration Building of the School Corporation, 998 Grizzly Cub Drive, Franklin, Indiana 46131-1398.
At such hearing all persons interested shall have a right to be heard upon the necessity for the execution of the Lease, and upon whether the Lease rental provided for therein to be paid to the Building Corporation is a fair and reasonable rental for the proposed building. Such hearing may be adjourned to a later date or dates, and following such hearing the Board of the School Corporation may either authorize the execution of the Lease as originally agreed upon or may make modifications therein as may be agreed upon with the Building Corporation.
Dated this 17th day of September, 2024.
/s/ Secretary, Board of School Trustees
Franklin Community School Corporation
c/o Roger A. Young, #1454-41
40 W. Court St., Suite D
Franklin, IN 46131
(317) 736-7117
Pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-5, notice is hereby given that the Board of School Trustees of the Franklin Community School Corporation has preliminarily determined to enter into a lease agreement and issue bonds in one or more series of bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $19,050,000 to fund the 2025 Maintenance & Improvement Projects including the renovation of and improvements to school facilities, including site, playgrounds and outbuilding improvements, HVAC and roofs and the purchase of equipment, buses and technology.
Dated: September 17, 2024
/s/ Board of School Trustees
Franklin Community School Corporation
Franklin Community Middle School Media Center
625 Grizzly Cub Drive, Franklin, IN
3:30 p.m. September 4, 2024
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.5 that the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of Franklin Community School Corporation (the "School Corporation") did, on August 19, 2024, make a preliminary determination to issue bonds and enter into one or more lease agreements (the "Lease") for the 2025 Pre-School & Improvement Projects including the construction of a new Pre-School Center, renovation and improvements to school, site and athletic facilities and the purchase of real estate, equipment, buses and technology (the "Project"). The Lease will be for a maximum term of 22 years with a maximum annual Lease rental of $10,294,000. The maximum annual Lease rental has been estimated based upon an estimated principal amount of bonds of $40,000,000, estimated interest rate of 5.50%, and total estimated interest costs of $27,094,238.
As required by Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.5(b)(1), the following information was available to the public at the public hearings on the preliminary determination: (i) the School Corporation's current and projected annual debt service payments divided by the net assessed value of taxable property within the School Corporation, which is 0.95%; and (ii) the sum of the School Corporation's outstanding long term debt plus the outstanding long term debt of other taxing units that include any other territory of the School Corporation divided by the net assessed value of taxable property within the School Corporation, which is 6.70%.
The School Corporation's current debt service levy is $16,335,310 and the current debt service rate is $0.7999. After the School Corporation enters into the proposed Lease and the bonds are issued, the gross debt service levy will increase by a maximum of $10,294,000 and the gross debt service rate will be impacted by a maximum of $0.5041. However, as existing obligations mature, the anticipated net increase to the Debt Service Fund tax rate is expected to be $0.0000 above the current rate.
The estimated amount of the School Corporation's debt service levy and rate that will result during the following 10 years if the School Corporation enters into the lease and issues the bonds, after considering any changes that will occur to the debt service levy and rate during that period on account of any outstanding bonds or lease obligations that will mature or terminate during that period:
Year Estimated Total Debt Service Levy (1) Estimated Total Debt Service Rate (2)
2024 $16,335,310 (3) $0.7999 (3)
2025 17,055,795 0.7900
2026 17,055,795 0.7900
2027 11,995,453 0.5556
2028 10,346,372 0.4792
2029 8,787,772 0.4070
2030 5,919,203 0.2742
2031 5,926,752 0.2745
2032 5,921,090 0.2742
2033 5,919,203 0.2742
2034 3,335,626 0.1545
2035 3,335,626 0.1545
(1) Based upon a miscellaneous revenue factor of 5.64%.
(2) Based upon 2024 certified net assessed values. Assumes 5.7% net assessed valuation growth in 2025 per Policy Analytics, and no annual NAV growth thereafter.
(3) Per the School Corporation's 2024 Budget Order.
The Project involves the opening of new school facility space and the School Corporation expects to annually incur an additional cost of $345,000 to operate such new facility space. The purpose of the Lease is to provide for the Project.
If a valid petition pursuant to Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.5 is received within 30 days from the publication of this notice, the proposed debt service or lease payments must be approved in an election on a local public question held under Indiana Code § 6-1.1-20-3.6.
Dated August 19, 2024.
/s/ Board of School Trustees
Franklin Community School Corporation
About FCS
What They Say
My son loves his school, teachers and friends. One of his favorite things is that he gets student teachers from the high school. Thanks for taking such good care of our little ones ...
Amber, Parent
You will always feel like family walking in the doors!
Ashley, Parent
(Union Elementary) - A wonderful school. The school has a deep generational Alumni heritage and maintains its family/community values.
Pat, Parent
The teachers are amazing. They go above and beyond for the kids. My two sons went here in the 80's and 90's, and I have two who are currently at Northwood.
Theresa, Parent