Parents Directory

Helpful information for parents and guardians of Franklin Community School students.

Bullying Information

In compliance with House Enrolled Act No. 1423, Franklin Community Schools has developed a plan to prevent bullying in our schools. The plan addresses the four sections of Indiana’s anti-bullying legislation. Implementation of the plan is the responsibility of School Safety Specialists, Counselors and Building Administrators.

Franklin Community Schools is committed to providing students a safe and nurturing environment. FCS has implemented an anonymous reporting system for anyone who is a victim of bullying or witnessed bullying at school. The STOPit website allows students and parents to anonymously report bullying. 


What is bullying?


"Bullying" (per IC 20-33-8-.2) means overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically), physical acts committed, aggression or any other behaviors that are committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate or harm the other targeted student and create for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment that: (1) places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to the targeted student's person or property; (2) has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted student's physical or mental health; (3) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student's academic performance; or (4) has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student's ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities and privileges provided by the school.


State Definition and Categories of Bullying


The School Board is committed to providing a safe, positive, productive and nurturing educational environment for all of its students. The Board encourages the promotion of positive interpersonal relations between members of the school community. (Read Policy 5517.01)


How do I report bullying? 


Any student who believes s/he has been or is currently the victim of bullying should immediately report the situation to the building principal or assistant principal or the Superintendent. The student also may report concerns to a teacher or counselor who will be responsible for notifying the appropriate administrator or Board official. This report may be made anonymously. Complaints against the building principal should be filed with the Superintendent. Complaints against the Superintendent should be filed with the Board President. A parent may file a complaint on behalf of a student in the same manner.


What does FCS do to prevent bullying? 


Franklin Community Schools provides training to the school corporation’s employees and volunteers who have direct, ongoing contact with students concerning the school's bullying prevention policy, plans and procedures. Students are also introduced to an anti-bullying-based curriculum.  

Please click here to see a sampling of bullying prevention and awareness activities. For a comprehensive list, please contact Brooke Worland at

Care Solace

Care Solace is a 24/7 mental health care coordination service for Franklin Community School Corporation students, staff and their families. Information is available in the Health Services section.



Cub Academy Preschool

Franklin Community Schools offers full and half-day preschool programs for ages 3 to 5. 



Cub Care (Before, After School Care)

Franklin Community Schools offer before and after-school care through our partnership with the Boys & Girls Club of Franklin. More information is available on its website or from CCub Care Director Susan Sahm at

Cub Pantry

In partnership with Gleaners Food Bank, Franklin Community Schools offers the Cub Pantry. Cub Pantry is a school-based choice food pantry serving all FCS employees, students and their families.  

The Cub Pantry is operated entirely by volunteers within the FCS district.
Families who visit the Cub Pantry must have a student enrolled in Franklin Community Schools. Parents and/or guardians must bring a photo ID.
The Cub Pantry is located at Custer Baker Intermediate School  in room E08 (use door 20W). Click here for details.

The pantry is open twice a month on the first and third Thursday from 4 to 6 p.m., unless otherwise noted (see calendar).

Reminder Notifications
Complete this form and return to your child's school. 
The pantry accepts non-perishable items throughout the school year and summer. The pantry always needs eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, bread,and fruit donations.  ll perishable items and fresh produce donations must be delivered the same week that the pantry is open. We want all items to be as fresh as possible for our families.  
Please contact Chelsea Fountain at 317.346.8684 to organize drop-off times.
Currently, volunteer openings are available to employees of FCS. Volunteer times are 3:45 to 6 p.m.
Please contact Chelsea Fountain at 317.346.8684 or Kimberly Spurling at 317.346.8750 for more information. 
Digital Citizenship

Learn what Digital Citizenship is and why it matters.



eLearning, Virtual Days

On a virtual school day, students participate in classes with their teachers at their regular times during the school day. 


On an eLearning day, materials/assignments for all classes are posted in Google Classroom in the morning, and students are expected to complete the assignments on their own time throughout the day. 




Franklin Community Schools partners with FinalForms for enrollment, re-enrollment, demographics updates, athletic physical submission and more. Visit FinalFormsto update all of your student’s records. 


Homeless Education Resources (McKinney-Vento Act)

Homeless Definition

Homeless students are those who lack a fixed, regular, adequate nighttime residence. This includes students who are:

  • Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (doubling up).
  • Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations.
  • Living in emergency or transitional shelters;
  • Living in abandoned hospitals.
  • Have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation of human beings.
  • Live in a car, park, public space, abandoned building, substandard housing, bus or train station, or similar setting.

The definition includes migratory students who live in the aforementioned situations. Beginning Dec. 10, 2016, “those awaiting foster care placement” are not included in the definition.

Unaccompanied Youth

Pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Act, an unaccompanied youth includes a homeless child or youth under the age of 21 and not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. 


Every Student Succeeds Act

Under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Indiana will create a plan to better align our local, state and federal programs to help all students be successful.

The Indiana Department of Education is committed to meaningfully engaging a diverse group of stakeholders through a variety of methods and opportunities to solicit thoughts, opinions and recommendations concerning provisions in Indiana’s state plan. 


Residency and Educational Rights

The right to enroll immediately, even if you don't have all the required paperwork. Schools normally require parents to have birth certificates, proof of residency, school records and medical records with them when they enroll their children. If you are experiencing one of the housing situations covered by the McKinney-Vento Act, then you can enroll your children without these documents, although you may need to get some of them later.

The right to school placement at the school in their best interest. Your children may go to the school they attended when they were permanently housed, also called their school of origin, even if you are not staying in that district. Alternatively, your children may attend the school where you are temporarily staying. This right lasts the entire duration of your homelessness or until the end of the school year after you achieve permanent housing.

The right to transportation services. Schools must provide your children with transportation to their school, if feasible, until you get permanent housing. Parents who need this service for their children should request it from the McKinney-Vento Liaison.

The right to other services. The fees for breakfast and lunch provided by the school, as well as the fees for textbooks, should be waived for your children. They also are automatically eligible for Title I services, which may include before- and after-school programs, tutoring programs or other assistance such as graphing calculators required for math classes.

The right to appeal decisions regarding enrollment and services. If the school district makes a decision about your child's school enrollment or the services that your child receives (such as transportation) that you disagree with, you have the right to appeal that decision. The school's McKinney-Vento Liaison should be contacted immediately to assist you with the appeal. While the dispute with the school district is being resolved, your child has the right to attend the school or receive the services in question.

The right to attend school and school activities without the fear of being singled out. Children in unstable housing situations cannot be separated from their peers just because of their housing situation. They have the right to attend school and participate in extracurricular activities just like any other student.

Helpful Resources

McKinney-Vento Information
Cub Connect Brochure 
Defining Homelessness Fact Sheet - from the Indiana Department of Education 
Homeless Students' Rights



Chelsea Fountain
Community Outreach Liaison


Kimberly Spurling
FCS Director of Mental Health
McKinney-Vento Liaison
317.346.8750 (direct)


Flora Jones
Director of Student Pathways and Opportunities 

Charlie Gibson
Homeless Education Specialist
Indiana Department of Education
115 West Washington Street, Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46207


State and Federal Resources

IDOE's McKinney-Vento: Homeless Children & Youth Program 
National Center for Homeless Education
School House Connection
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth


For a complete listing of the immunizations required for your child, please visit this page or contact your child’s school. 

Inclement Weather Procedures

When inclement weather comes our way, Franklin Community Schools is ready. There is nothing more important than the safety of our students. So FCS has a plan that is executed every time there is consideration of school being delayed or closing due to weather conditions.



K-12 Insurance Plans

Welcome to the ultimate K12 Student Insurance portal, where we prioritize your child’s safety and well-being from Kindergarten to 12th Grade.




Kindergarten Registration

Information about registering your child, school boundaries and early entrance procedures is available on the Enroll page of our website.



Library Media Center

See how our library and media resources support the educational experience at Franklin Community Schools.



Military Recognition and Resources

Franklin Community Schools is proud to serve many military families! With our location near several important military and National Guard bases, our eight schools in the Franklin Community Schools have a long and rich history of educating the children of military families. We also are proud to employ active duty and reserve military members across our school district.


Please see below for resources for military families. Also, to register your child to attend Franklin Community Schools, please contact the principal at your child's new school and he/she will walk you through the process. Thank you for your service to our nation.

myFCS Academy

Franklin Community Schools is designed to increase understanding and communication between the community and our schools.


The program meets once a month for a 90-minute session. Program dates run from September to April with no meeting in December.

The academy gives you a behind-the-scenes look at how our school district functions. Our Guiding Principles of Individual Student Growth, Communication, Collaboration, Systemic Continuous Improvement, and Trust will come alive as we engage in open dialogue on topics such as the student experience, curriculum, and who we are as a district. 


The Program


Seven 90-minute sessions, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. (with the exception of one lunchtime session)

  • This is Franklin - An inside look at who we are and where we’re heading. 
  • A Strong Foundation - Operations.
  • The Elementary Experience K-6 Schools.
  • The Secondary Experience. 
  • Collaborating with Others to Support All Students. 
  • Measuring Beyond the Classroom - Extra Curricular Activities. 
  • End of Year Celebration.  

These sessions will be led by administrators, faculty and staff with expertise in each area. 






Please reach out to Robin Betts at with any questions.

PowerSchool is a cloud-based platform that supports every step of the learning journey so students can succeed. It connects the information educators need to see the full picture of every student’s unique needs. It brings the best of K-12 educational and operational technology together to make it easier to create and deliver an experience designed for each student. ​




Parents Square

Franklin Community Schools uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications.


ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.


Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare:

  • Receive messages from the school via email, text, or app notification. 
  • Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once with a daily digest at 6 p.m. 
  • Communicate in your preferred language.
  • Comment on school postings to engage with your school community.
  • Direct message teachers and staff members.
  • Participate in group messages.
These features and more are available from your desktop or mobile device.


Download the ParentSquare app for your mobile  device.




School Library Material Review

The school libraries housed within the Franklin School Corporation support and enrich the curriculum, students’ personal interests, and learning. Despite the careful selection of materials and the qualification of those involved in the selection process, objections to school library materials may occur.


A parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the Corporation or a community member who resides within the geographic boundaries of the Corporation (“Requester”) may submit a request to remove material from a school library on the grounds that the material is obscene or harmful to minors as those terms are defined by the Indiana criminal code.



School Safety

FCS has implemented a school safety planning team comprised of certified school safety specialists and School Resource Officers (SRO).



Title IX Compliance

The School Board of the Franklin Community School Corporation does not discriminate or tolerate harassment on the basis of sex in its education programs or activities which it operates or the employment therein or admission thereto, as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and its implementing regulations. The Board is committed to maintaining an education and work environment that is free from discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment.