Franklin Community Schools
Supporting the Education Process
Beyond the classroom and education programs, successful outcomes for our students also depend on our team of professionals who are responsible for the operations of Franklin Community Schools.
They are essential to achieving strategic goals set by our school board and exceeding compliance standards established by the Indiana Department of Education. They tend to the needs of our students' well-being and make certain we are a fiscally sound and operationally efficient public school system.
Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Treasurer
Payroll Specialist
Assistant Deputy Treasurer
Internal Controls Coordinator
Notice of Execution of Lease - October 21
Pursuant to action previously taken by the Board of School Trustees (the "Board") of Franklin Community School Corporation (the "School Corporation"), a Lease Agreement (the 'Lease") between the School Corporation and Franklin Community Multi-School Building Corporation (the "Building Corporation") was executed and entered into on October 21, 2024. The Lease covers the site of the proposed renovation of Custer Baker Intermediate School in Franklin, Indiana, and other school facilities owned and operated by the School Corporation. A copy of the Lease is on file in the Administration Building of the School Corporation, 998 Grizzly Cub Drive, Franklin, Indiana 46131-1398, and is available for inspection during normal business hours.
Dated this 22nd day of October 2024.
Federal Covid-19 Relief Spending
ESSER regulations require that the Return to In-Person Instruction and Use of Funds Plans be made available on the district website.
Franklin Community Schools -ESSER III Update
Media or individuals wanting access to public records or other public information from Franklin Community Schools must do so in writing, specifically stating the desired records. Franklin Community Schools follows the provisions of Indiana's Access to Public Records Act. Email all requests to Robin Betts, Director of Community and Public Relations.
Indiana Code § 5-14-3-1 states “ is the public policy of the state that all persons are entitled to full and complete information regarding the affairs of government and the official acts of those who represent them as public officials and employees. Providing persons with the information is an essential function of a representative government and an integral part of the routine duties of public officials and employees, whose duty it is to provide the information."
Media wanting to contact Franklin Community Schools (FCS) employees, visit FCS schools or other properties, are asked to first contact the Director of Community and Public Relations at or 317.346.8707.
Franklin Community Schools partners with groups and organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by allowing them to distribute flyers electronically through our ParentSquare platform.
Electronic distribution is environmentally friendly and more convenient. Approval of a flyer does not constitute an endorsement by the school corporation. Approval simply means the material has been reviewed and meets the guidelines for district-wide distribution.
If your organization would like to share flyers with students in our schools, you must meet certain criteria determined by FCS.
FCS approves the distribution of:
Flyers that promote an educational experience for students or parents, a healthy use of leisure time, a special enrichment activity, and/or community event.
Per the FCS School Board Policy #9700, FCS does not approve the distribution of:
Flyers for projects, activities, or programs that would publicize or promote a particular political party, political organization, or political viewpoint.
Flyers for projects, activities, or programs that would publicize or promote church, religious organization, or religious viewpoint.
Flyers for events deemed not suitable for children.
Flyers must be formatted as a PDF. Plan accordingly as flyers will be shared through FCS ParentSquare the first and third week of each month. Email your flyer to Natalie Campbell at for consideration.
The Franklin Community Schools Food Service Department provides children with access to food, a healthful diet,and nutrition education. Through our breakfast and lunch programs, we provide children with more than the daily nutrient requirements that are also consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010. We strive to provide quality nutritious meals in a friendly environment to enhance and support all students’ ability to achieve academic excellence while forming healthy lifelong eating habits.
2024-2025 Meal Prices |
Breakfast |
$1.75 |
Adult Breakfast |
$2.50 |
Reduced Breakfast |
.30¢ |
Lunch (Grades K-6) |
$2.90 |
Lunch (Grade 7-12) |
$3.00 |
Reduced Lunch |
.40¢ |
Adult Meals |
$4.25 |
Extra Milk or Milk with brought from home lunch |
.50¢ |
Once the account has been set up, you will not only be able to check on a student's balance, but you will be able to view the transactions completed on any particular day.
You will be able to see exactly how your child/children are spending the money in their account!
If you do choose to make online deposits to your child's lunch account, a flat fee of $2.85 for every $100 transaction will be added as a transaction fee.
One transaction may include deposits to several student accounts.
An online deposit is made directly into the child's meal account and will be available for use immediately after the transaction is approved.
Tutorial Videos for Setting up a New Account, Making a Deposit, and Customer Options can be found at
Deposits may also be made by cash or check at each school.
Checks should be made out to Franklin Community Food Service and should contain the student's first and last name in the memo.
Cash should be in a sealed envelope with the student's first & last name and student account number on the outside of the envelope clearly marked Lunch Money
We cannot process credit or debit cards at the cafeteria or in the food service office.
Parents can find out if their students qualify for free or reduced-priced meals by filling out an application.
Each screen will explain in detail the information that must be entered for the application to be evaluated by our food service office.
Once the application is filed, a letter detailing the results will be sent to the household. Most applications are processed within one to two days.
A new application must be completed each school year.
If you wish to fill out a printed application, click here to download and print one. Please remember to print and fill out the front and back of the application.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application (English)
Free and Reduced Lunch Application Instructions
Free and Reduced Lunch Application (Spanish)
Solicitud de Comidas Escolares Gratuitas o a Precio Reducido
Please feel free to call the Food Service Office at 317.346.8720 if you have questions related to the processing of your application for Free or Reduced meals.
Applications are accepted after July 1 of each year.
Visit these sites to view more information related to healthy eating habits.
Our children need nutritious meals to learn, grow and thrive - even when school is out. With our Summer Meals Program, children and teens ages 18 and younger can enjoy healthy free meals throughout the summer.
June 3 to July 26 Monday - Friday
No meals will be served on July 4 and 5.
Breakfast 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Lunch 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Needham Elementary School
1399 Upper Shelbyville Road, Franklin
Please enter using door 12N
All meals must be consumed on-site.
Adult Meal Prices
Breakfast $2 and Lunch $3
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA's TARGET Center at 202.720.2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at 800.877.8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complaintant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be found online, from any USDA office, by calling 866.632.9992 or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complaint's name, address, telephone number and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of the alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to the USDA by:
- Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
- Fax: 833.256-1665 or 202.690.7442; or
- Email:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Randilynn Sparks Custer Baker Intermediate Manager
District Support
Kimberly Spurling, MSW
Director of Mental Health
McKinney-Vento Liaisons
Therapy Dog Program Coordinator
Chelsea Fountain
Community Outreach Liaison
Brooke Buckner, LSW
Mental Health Support Team
Acacia Long, MSW
Mental Health Support Team
Ashly Neher, LMHC
Mental Health Support Team
Carly Geis, LCSW
Mental Health Support Team
Chandas Karlin, LMHC
Mental Health Support Team
Heather Harris, M ED
Hope Navigator
Get Help Now
For life-threatening emergencies when you are considering harming yourself or others:
Call Johnson County Emergency Services
Dial 911
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Dial 988
Contact Care Solace
CLICK HERE to contact Care Solace
Care Solace is a 24/7 mental health care coordination service for Franklin Community School Corporation students, staff and their families.
Complete Support
A multilingual team is available 24/7/365 to help you understand your options, call providers on your behalf and schedule your appointment.
Easy Access to Care
If you or a family member are looking for help with mental health or substance abuse, Care Solace can help you quickly find treatment options matched to your needs, regardless of the circumstance.
- Call 888-515-0595 (recommended)
- Search on your own OR
- Click "Book Appointment" for assistance by video chat, email, or phone
Disclaimer: Information on individual treatment providers was gathered by Care Solace based on criteria such as geographic proximity, whether the provider accepts the authorized user's insurance and whether the provider is accepting new patients.
Sending students home and requesting parents to keep them home for 24 hours:
- Temperature of 100.4° or higher
- Vomiting (either actively or within 24 hours)
- Diarrhea (either actively or within 24 hours)
- Suspected Pink Eye
Students must NOT have taken any medication to lower temperatures or for vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours. If antibiotics are started, please obtain a note from your child’s doctor regarding a suggested return date to school. In cases of MRSA, the affected area must be covered and remain dry. If the wound is weeping and unable to be kept dry then the student will have to go home.
The administration of prescribed medication and/or medically prescribed treatments to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to do so would jeopardize the health of the student, the student would not be able to attend school if the medication or treatment were not made available during school hours, or the child requires medication to benefit from his/her educational program.
Before any medication or treatment may be administered by school personnel to any student during school hours, the Board shall require the written prescription from the child’s physician for all prescription drugs accompanied by the written authorization of the parent. In the case of nonprescription drugs, preparations, or remedies, written authorization from the parent must be on file in the office of the principal.
All medications that are listed as controlled substances must be brought to the principal’s office or the school nurse’s office by a parent or guardian. Only prescription medication in its original container; labeled with the student's name, date, and exact dosage will be administered. Parents may administer medication to their child in the presence of Health Services personnel or designee once the above criteria are met. Parents must give written authorization for medication to be administered to their child by Health Services personnel or designee during school hours.
According to Senate Bill 376, any student in grades K-8 may not take any medications home from school. Parents must pick up medications from school. Parents can authorize, in writing, that someone 18 years or older may pick up the medication. Students will not be allowed to transport medications to or from school for any reason, as per Indiana Law and FCS guidelines unless it is a lifesaving medication and you have provided written notice from your doctor that your student needs to carry life-saving medication with him/her.
The following tests are given throughout the school year. If you do not want your child tested, you must return a signed, written statement to the school office as soon as possible.
Hearing Screening: In order to identify students with hearing loss, hearing tests will be given to all students in Kindergarten, 1st and 4th grades, students transferred from other school districts, students suspected of having hearing loss and students enrolled in speech therapy. If your child does fall into one of the above categories and you would like to have him/her tested, please notify the school office.
Vision Screening: Students in Kindergarten, 3rd, 5th and 8th grades, plus new students and referrals, will be given vision screening during the school year by the school nurse.
- Documentation that the child is fully immunized.
- Documentation that immunizations have been started with a schedule for completion.
- An authorization for the new school to receive medical records from a prior school.
- A written objection to immunizations due to religious or medical reasons.
For a complete listing of the immunizations required for your child, please visit this page or contact your child’s school.
In accordance with Indiana law, please be advised that your child cannot be permanently enrolled and may be denied the opportunity to attend school unless written information of the type listed above has been provided to the school on or before the first day of school. The purpose of this law is to keep our school children healthy in order to take full advantage of the provided educational opportunities.
Indiana law requires each year that parents/guardians be informed about “meningococcal disease and its vaccines” (IC 20-30-5-18).
Meningococcal disease is a dangerous disease that can strike children and youth. The disease can progress rapidly and within hours of the first symptoms, may result in death or permanent disability including loss of hearing, brain damage and limb amputations. Symptoms of meningococcal disease often resemble the flu and can include a fever, headache, nausea and stiff neck, making the disease difficult to diagnose. The bacteria that cause meningococcal diseases are transmitted through air droplets and by direct contact with an infected person. Fortunately, there is an immunization available and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends routine meningococcal immunizations at 11 to 12 years of age. This immunization is commonly called Menactra.
Johnson County Health Department has this immunization available for free to those individuals who are 11 to 18 years old and do not have health insurance that provides coverage for immunizations. To obtain this immunization please call the Johnson County Health Department for an appointment at 317.346.4368, or speak with your healthcare provider.
Johnson Memorial Health is the health partner of Franklin Community Schools. Visit the health care system's website for information about care services and providers.
In an effort to be proactive for our students, parents, and employees; FCS is providing information regarding the management of Bed Bugs.
While this is not a school issue, it is possible that we will be engaged in the mitigation process. “Bed bugs have become a remerging problem in the United States due to increased international travel and resistance to commonly used pesticides. They do not transmit disease, but individuals who live in infested homes suffer from lack of sleep, anxiety and secondary skin infections resulting from the itching bites” (ISDH,2012).
The State Department of Health has issued documents to help educate our community and to assist schools in creating management procedures when bed bugs are found on a student or their belongings. It is important to note that no student will be excluded from school for an infestation in the home.
Michelle Bright
Director of Human Resources - Certified Staff
Human Resources Specialist - Classified Staff
IC 31-33-5-2 requires ALL school employees to immediately report suspected child abuse or neglect to the Department of Child Services (DCS) or local law enforcement agency,and then notify the principal or the principal’s designee that a report has been made.
FCS Procedures
- Immediately call DCS at 800.800.5556 and make a report.
- If you believe criminal activity has occurred, please contact your building SRO or 911. Please include this information in the narrative portion of the referral.
- Complete this FORM.
- By completing the above form, an email will automatically generate to the corresponding building's admin team, school counselor, and the Director of Mental Health.
- You will need access to PowerSchool to complete this form.
- If you do not have access to PowerSchool, please contact the building admin team, school counselor or Mental Health Support Team before proceeding.
- The Indiana Department of Child Services will need the student's first, last name, DOB, contact and demographic information when reporting.
This information can also be found in the FCS Staff Links folder on your bookmark bar - DCS & Mental Health Forms.
Please contact Kimberly Spurling, Director of Mental Health, with questions or concerns at 317.346.8750 or
The Operations section encompasses many functions of support staff services within FCS. Our main goal is to support the educational process by ensuring efficient and effective delivery of services.
Student Safety, Worker Safety and Energy Conservation are our areas of focus.
Here you can access information regarding these focal points; however, if you cannot find what you are looking for please feel free to contact Benji Bets, Executive Director of Operations at
- In a safe and nurturing environment, students:
- Learn at different rates and in different ways
- Learn more effectively while actively engage
- Develop positive relationships with adults and peers
- Develop and coordinate safety plans for each school.
- Act as a resource and trainer for other staff members.
- Facilitate and participate in school safety training.
- Serve on the county school safety commission.
- Provide materials and professional development on bullying prevention to the Safe School committee, faculty and staff.
School safety specialists make up the FCS district planning team, which includes our partnerships with local law enforcement, local fire departments, and Johnson County Emergency Management.
- Conduct tactical site surveys to assess safety and security risks.
- Develop relationships with first responders (police, fire, and EMS) and conduct drills or exercises so campus staff can practice emergency preparedness skills. First responders should also have easy and immediate access to building plans and layouts so they can quickly shut off power, HVAC, etc., during an incident.
- Train teachers, staff, custodians, and administrators on the importance of access control and how to monitor access points. Also, train them on emergency preparedness and conduct drills with students.
- At the beginning of the school day when several doors are open so that students can get to class on time, all of the entrances should be monitored by teachers, security staff or administrators.
- When classes begin, the front office should be the only point of entry or exit from the campus. All of the other doors should be closed and locked.
- Provide office staff with some form of emergency notification technology so they can let others on campus know when there is a threat.
- Create a culture of information sharing by developing a mechanism for parents to inform school officials about individuals who might pose a threat (involving custody disputes, domestic violence, etc.).
Q. How many certified School Safety Specialists are at FCS?
- Implements the FCS Energy Conservation Guidelines.
- Performs weekly energy audits at each building.
- Tracks monthly utility data with EnergyCAP software.
Franklin Community Schools owns and operates its own fleet of school buses. Transportation service is available to all eligible FCS students who live within the school district. If you have questions about the FCS Transportation Department, please email or contact our staff.
Franklin Community Schools uses Stopfinder, an easy-to-use app that gives you the most accurate information about your student’s bus schedule at any time from anywhere.
How to get started with Stopfinder:
- You need an email invitation to activate your account. We send those out periodically, so you may already have one. If you don't have one or it has expired, please email transportation@ to request a new invitation. - Download the Stopfinder app.
- Watch the intro video (about three and a half minutes). This is a great introduction to the capabilities offered by Stopfinder. (Please note: the messaging portion of the app shown in the video is not ready for use. Please continue to email transportation@ for your transportation needs. - Enable push notifications for the app.
- Look for a push notification notifying you that your child's routing information is available.
- If you are having trouble accessing your students in StopFinder, please contact your school and make sure your correct email address is on file for each of your students in PowerSchool.
Franklin Community Schools is committed to providing our students with a safe, secure, and respectful learning environment. This extends to their time on school buses. Students who use the services provided by the FCS Transportation Department will adhere to the following rules:
- Students will sit in the seat assigned to them by the driver.
- Students will keep their feet and bookbags out of the aisle.
- Students will not bring items on the bus that are not school-related, could be deemed dangerous (glass containers, animals, etc), or items that are too large (approximately 39 inches).
- Students will not open bus windows more than halfway at any time.
- Students will not brush their hair or use hygiene products such as hair spray, perfume, nail polish, make-up, etc., while on the bus.
- Students are allowed to talk quietly.
- Students must board and leave the bus at the student's regular bus stop location.
- Students may bring water to drink on the bus but otherwise will not eat or drink while on the bus (this includes candy/gum/soda, etc.).
- Students will not leave trash on their seats or on the floor.
- Students will obey the driver's instructions when crossing the road, boarding, during transport, and when leaving the bus.
- Students will wear a seatbelt properly at all times without exception.
- On a bus without seatbelts, students will remain seated and have their backs to seat backs, their bottom to the seat with feet on the floor, and hands to themselves for the duration of the ride.
- Students are not allowed to leave the bus without the driver's permission.
- At railroad crossings or upon instruction from the driver, students will be silent.
- Students will be respectful and will not use profanity (including gestures).
- Students will maintain boundaries. They will not touch each other, including wrestling, horseplay, pushing and/or tripping.
- Students will keep all body parts inside the bus, including not hanging out the window or putting limbs out the window.
- Students will keep objects in their place. They will not throw items on the bus or off the bus.
- Students will be kind. They will not use malintent or maladaptive behaviors on the bus.
- Students will make sure that cell phones are silent while riding on the school bus. Students will not record videos or take pictures on the school bus without the driver's permission. The student may use devices such as mobile phones or tablets as long as it is not a distraction to the driver or is being used in a way that is deemed inappropriate, according to the FCS Acceptable Use Policy.
- Students will leave objects that do not belong to them in their place. They will not tamper or vandalize bus equipment. They will not be destructive or destroy property.
- Students will not smoke or vape on the bus. These incidents may be referred to an SRO for investigation and possible tickets.
- Students will be respectful and will not use aggressive, profane, or threatening language toward other students or the driver (including gestures).
- Students will not harass, threaten, or bully another person.
- Students will maintain boundaries. They will not provoke, encourage, or participate in a fight.
- Students will keep all body parts to themselves. They will not spit, hit, kick, or strike another person.
- Students must not bring a weapon of any kind onto the bus.
- Students must not assault another student or bus staff.
In the event that a student is suspended from riding one FCS bus, he or she is suspended from riding ALL FCS buses.
We look forward to transporting your student this school year. To maintain the privilege of school transportation, please adhere to the rules stated above.
Franklin Community Schools is now hiring bus drivers! We offer on-site training, the flexibility to work approximately 4 hours per day, and a sign-on bonus.
New Bus Drivers and Reserve Drivers who possess or acquire a valid Indiana Commercial Driver’s License with Passenger Transport, Air Brake, an “S” School Bus Endorsement, drive full-time (4.5 hours per day) for 30 consecutive school days and meet department expectations may be eligible for a $500 sign-on bonus.
How are bus stops and routes determined?
Every FCS student, who is eligible for transportation, is assigned a specific bus stop and route number. The Transportation Department uses bus routing software to determine student locations and bus stops. The software considers bus seating capacity, student data and safety variables to create safe and efficient bus routes. We strive to place bus stops no more than 1/4 mile from each rider's home, although the distance to most stops is far less. Bus stops are located close to street corners and/or every 600 feet. Even though we may pass your house during the route, we cannot stop at your house.
Why does our bus stop change from year to year?
Each year students move in and out of subdivisions and students advance in grade levels. Therefore, bus stops change to accommodate all students in the area. The routing software calculates all students in the area and the walk distances to each stop — and then determines the safest location for all students.
The bus passes by my house on the way to a stop up the street. Why doesn't it stop and pick up my child at home?
We transport hundreds of students every day, so it is impossible to provide door-to-door service to all and do it on time. It is more efficient to pick up several students in one stop, usually at a corner or other mid-way point for the students.
Our subdivision does not have sidewalks and is poorly lit. How can I get the stop moved closer to our home?
Most of the subdivisions in our district do not have sidewalks, and the lighting is poor in many areas. With our routing software and our knowledge of the areas we service, we try to place our bus stops at the safest location possible. However, it is very important to remember that it is the parent's responsibility for the safety of the child to and from the bus stop.
Why does my child have to sit in an assigned seat?
There are several reasons for this, safety being the first and most important. An assigned seat on the bus helps the driver know who is on the bus. It also eliminates the child trying to find a seat at the stop, thus allowing other students the ability to deny a seat to your child. Assigned seats also help with deterring acts of vandalism on the bus.
Things are happening on the bus that the driver doesn't do anything about — why?
The driver's first and foremost responsibility is to drive the bus safely. With eyes focused on the road, a driver may miss something that happened on the bus. If there is a concern, please contact the principal of your school or call the Transportation Department to assist. Most often, the driver is not aware there is a problem. However, each driver is happy to assist and make every child's bus ride a safe and enjoyable experience.
My child is being threatened by another student on the bus. What should I do?
All school bus discipline problems should be immediately reported to the principal of your child's school. Students who continue to cause problems can be removed from the bus for a period of one to 10 days or permanently, depending on the nature of the disciplinary problems.
My child was running toward the bus and the driver looked at him/her and then drove off - why?
While it could appear that this happened, a driver would never intentionally leave a child. Drivers must check all the mirrors on the bus before moving. By looking at the mirrors, it may seem as though the driver looked at the child. However, the driver may not have seen the child. The best way to ensure your child does not miss the bus is to be at the stop 5 minutes before the scheduled stop.
We were late this morning, and my child went running after the bus, but the driver never stopped.
Please refrain from allowing your child to run after a moving bus. This is dangerous. If your child misses the bus, please call our office promptly. We may be able to have the bus come back around.
How many people can ride the bus?
There is no specific number. Under Indiana law, the maximum number of students that can be transported in a school bus corresponds to the seating capacity designated by the manufacturer of the bus. Thus, a 72-passenger bus can carry 72 students, regardless of their age or size. Federal regulations govern how manufacturers determine seating capacity, using a 15-inch block for each designated seating position and rounding up to the nearest whole number. Most school bus seats are 39 inches wide; dividing 39 by 15 produces 2.6, which rounds up to three seating positions per seat.
We understand that the formula may not be appropriate for all students. While state law does not limit the number of students per seat, it does require that aisles and exits be free of obstruction. This means that students cannot be hanging off the seats into the aisles, and their belongings cannot block emergency exits. A further consideration is that the passive restraint system called compartmentalization works only for students who are completely contained within the seating system; a student who is partially off the seat is not fully protected. Therefore, the number of students that can safely sit on a school bus seat is the number that fits entirely on the seat.
Don't see your question here? Please reach out to the Transportation Department at 317.346.8770 or at
See how we inspire a lifelong involvement and appreciation for the arts through our world-class experiences and performances.