Library Media Center

Franklin Community Schools

Resources for Learning

Our mission is multifaceted, focusing on supporting the educational goals of our schools and fostering a love of reading and lifelong learning among students. We do that by:

  • Providing resources and services that align with and enhance the school's curriculum.
  • Teaching students how to locate, evaluate and use information effectively and ethically.
  • Offering a wide range of materials in various formats that cater to different learning styles.
  • Providing access to technology and digital tools that support learning, research and creativity.
  •  Creating a space where students can collaborate on projects, engage in group study and participate in various educational activities.
  • Empowering students with the skills and knowledge they need to become independent, lifelong learners and informed, responsible citizens.

Library Media Center l Franklin Community Schools

Intermediate School

Available Programs

Students can share their book reviews via the You Read, You Lead book review board.


A variety of Young Hoosier books are available for our students’ reading pleasure, as well as, magazines, graphic novels, picture books, plus thousands of fiction and non-fiction books.


Our trivia questions, contests and projects are a fun and vital part of getting student students involved in reading and finding the pleasures to be had in our books.


Live announcements take place every morning in the Daily Grizz studio located in the IMC at 8 a.m. Stop in sometime and watch us live!


Grizz Kidz: Students are selected weekly by teachers to be featured in our main hallway for going above and beyond what it expected.


A bookmark contest is held two times a year. Five winners are selected and their bookmarks are provided to the student body.


There are two afterschool book clubs a year and the Chewy Chapter Café occurs periodically during lunch time.


Movers and Shakers:  When one of our students appears in the paper, they are featured on our Movers and Shakers board. Please contact the IMC if you are aware of any member of CBIS who have had their “five minutes of fame.”


The teacher resource library features teacher class sets, a staff personal reading section, a copier and other helpful resources.


The CBIS IMC holds two Scholastic book fairs a year.


Students are highlighted in a display titled BOOKS IN ACTION where the book they checked out prompted them to take action. 

High School TIC


The FCHS TIC Center (Technology, Innovation and Collaboration) is a nontraditional media center. 



Our goal is to reimage the role of the traditional library media center into an energetic space that engages learners through the promotion of technology, innovation and collaboration.



Our mission is to uphold the Franklin Community Schools mission to, "Empower greatness in all learners through collaboration, dynamic partnerships, and rich experiences that develop a world-class learning environment." We promote this mission by providing a comfortable, collaborative atmosphere where the potential of ideas can be unleashed into action.



The FCHS TIC Center upholds the vision outlined by Franklin Community Schools, "Franklin Community Schools, where education is student-centered and innovative, and learners are inspired to become great!"



The FCHS TIC Center upholds the beliefs outlined by Franklin Community Schools. 


In a safe and nurturing environment, students:

  • Learn at different rates and in different ways.
  • Learn more effectively while actively engaged. 
  • Develop positive relationships with adults and peers.


Our center values a culture where all individuals are empowered to take ownership of their education. To support and sustain this culture we provide:

  • An open-door policy.
  • A customizable experience.
  • Flexibility in learning.
  • Engaging experiences.
  • Real-world connections.
  • Open collaboration.
  • Access to all available resources.



The FCHS TIC Center has two expectations from all visiting patrons:

  • Be respectful
  • Be safe.

Failure to meet either of these expectations will cause immediate removal and or suspension from the TIC Center. Guidelines for meeting these expectations are as follows:

  • Clean up any mess you make.
  • Be responsible for yourself and your belongings.
  • Use appropriate language at all times.
  • Do not be a disruption to others. 
  • Keep your hands and body a respectable distance from those around you.
  • Objects should never be thrown.
  • If you move furniture, be sure to move it back to its home position.



The FCHS TIC Center aims to meet the needs of all patrons. The following services are readily available on a daily basis in the TIC Center. Accommodations and advanced reservations can be made for any items or service by contacting the center.

  • Robust print collection of fiction and nonfiction resources.
  • Textbook collection.
  • Movie collection.
  • Technology training and assistance.
  • Chromebook Help Desk.
  • Printing Center.
  • Poster supplies.
  • iPad access.
  • Video Conferencing equipment.
  • Educational Engagement: Games, Challenges, Interactives.
  • PC Tech lab: includes 30 computers equipped with CD rom drives.
  • SD/Memory Card Readers available.
  • Audio/Video Tech Tools:
    • Digital Cameras.
    • Video Cameras.
    • Digital drawing tablets.
    • audio headsets.
    • microphones.
    • Smart Phone Recording Studio.
  • Specialized software including Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Suite.
  • Art Box: Contains pencil, pen, eraser, colored pencils/markers, scissors and glue stick.
  • Chromebook and Own Device charging stations.
  • Charging cords.
  • Small group book collections.
  • Seasonal courtyard access and activates.
  • Flexible seating: class, small group, individual, pairs, soft seating.
  • College and Career Prep Materials: ACT, SAT, College App, FAFSA, career resources
  • Cub Café Student Run refreshment center and vending machines.


Checkout Policies

All materials have a standard checkout period of two weeks. Materials can easily be renewed by visiting or contacting the TIC Center. Fines and fees will accumulate for any non-returned items. All fines and fees will be removed at the time of check-in. 


The FCHS TIC Center strives to meet the technology, innovation and collaboration needs of all patrons. If you would like to request a service that is not currently available, please contact Emily Silverman


Robust Print Collection

The center provides students, staff and community members with a robust collection of print materials including fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, picture books and an impressive Manga selection. The collection includes a wide variety of topics and reading levels in order to meet the needs of all patrons. The FCHS TIC is also proud to house a large multi-media collection with many electronic resources, movies, audiobooks, technology, activity kits and more. Browse our collection using Destiny Quest.


The collections are reviewed and updated regularly with monthly additions by patron request.  Please contact us if there is book you would like to see added to the collection.  


View Collection

View Tutorial Video


Varied Learning Environment

The FCHS TIC Center provides students, staff and the community with a wide choice of collaborative settings including small groups, large groups, pairs, or even independent. Private office space and productive collaboration rooms as well as open presentation areas areas are all available in the center. There are spaces for silent study, close collaboration, and of course open conversation and discussion. Table space, stand-up desks, cardi-collaboration tables and soft seating are all available in the center. 


Creative Resources

The FCHS TIC Center strives to develop a growth mindset in each learner. A Smartphone Recording Studio, a fully stocked Project Table and many Makerspace activities all nurture the Design Thinking Process within the TIC Center while brain-teasing challenges are spread throughout the center to develop critical thinking skills in a fun, engaging manner.  


The FCHS TIC Center strives to provide up-to-date and relevant resources for all areas of interest, study and exploration. If you would like to request a resource that is not currently available, please contact us. Requests are honored on a first-come-first-served basis depending on availability and alignment with FCHS purchase policies. 


Destiny Quest Online Catalog

Subscription Resources

Google Classroom

ELearning Day

Test Prep

Lunch and Learn

School Library Material Review


The school libraries housed within the School Corporation support and enrich the curriculum, students’ personal interests, and learning. Despite the careful selection of materials and the qualification of those involved in the selection process, objections to school library materials may occur.


A parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the Corporation or a community member who resides within the geographic boundaries of the Corporation (“Requester”) may submit a request to remove material from a school library on the grounds that the material is obscene or harmful to minors as those terms are defined by the Indiana criminal code: 


35-49-2-1 Obscene matter or performance

A matter or performance is obscene for purposes of this article if:

(1) the average person, applying contemporary community standards, finds that the dominant theme of the matter or performance, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex;

(2) the matter or performance depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct; and

(3) the matter or performance, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. 


35-49-2-2 Matter or performance harmful to minors

A matter or performance is harmful to minors for purposes of this article if:

(1) it describes or represents, in any form, nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse;

(2) considered as a whole, it appeals to the prurient interest in sex of minors;

(3) it is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable matter for or performance before minors; and

(4) considered as a whole, it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. 


The Requester should first discuss the item of concern with the building principal. If the concern still exists after communicating with the administration, the Requester can make a request to remove the material by completing a Removal Request Form explaining why the requester believes the material is obscene or harmful to minors and submitting the same to Superintendent or designee.


A request for removal of school library material will be treated as a request to remove the material from all school libraries. Notwithstanding, material subject to a request for removal will be removed from circulation to allow the committee members to read the book. 


Upon receipt of a completed Removal Request Form the Superintendent will convene a review committee (“Committee”) to review the request for removal and the subject material. The Committee will include at a minimum: a district level administrator, a District Media Specialist, a teacher, a building level administrator, and a school employee who lives within the geographic boundaries of the Corporation (if not already fulfilled by another Committee member).


When considering the request for removal, all Committee members should fully review the material (read or view the entire work), so that the Committee may consider the material in its entirety. The Committee shall consider both whether the material subject to the request is obscene and whether it is harmful to minors, regardless of whether the request is based on just one or the other ground for removal. Upon completion of its review, usually within thirty (30) school days, the Committee will provide the Requester and the Board of School Trustees with a written recommendation.


If the Requester is not satisfied with the recommendation of the Committee, a written appeal may be made within ten (10) school days to the Board of School Trustees. The appeal should be sent to Superintendent or designee. The Board will review the recommendation and appeal at the next public meeting.


If the Requester submits no appeal, the Board will make its decision based on the recommendation of the Committee. The request for removal, Committee recommendation, and any appeal will be reviewed by the Board at the next public meeting following the recommendation.


The Corporation will not process requests regarding school library material previously subject to this procedure absent extenuating circumstances.


Adopted: December 11, 2023

References: IC 20-26-5.5 et seq.

IC 35-49-2-1 – Definition of “obscene”

IC 35-49-2-2 – Definition of “harmful to minors”