
Franklin Community Schools

Your Child. Our Misson.

What our students learn in the classroom is at the heart of our mission:

Together, we empower greatness in all learners through collaboration, dynamic partnerships and rich experiences that develop a world-class learning environment.

One of our Guiding Principles states that we will provide learning experiences that maximize individual student potential.

Franklin Community Schools is proud to be a Professional Learning Community, constantly seeking to grow through collaboration and focus on student learning.

Academics l Franklin Community Schools

Professional Learning Community

Franklin Community Schools is proud to be a Professional Learning Community, constantly seeking to grow through collaboration and focus on student learning. Our PLC's work together to answer the following four questions through the use of data and student-centered discussion:

  • What do we want all students to learn?
  • How will we know when each student has learned it?
  • How will we respond when a student experiences difficulty in learning?
  • How will we respond when students have already learned it?
The 3 Big Ideas of a Professional Learning Community are: 
  1. You believe the fundamental purpose of our school or district is to ensure all students learn at high levels and you are committed to become a lifelong learner to make this a reality.
  2. You think collaborative teamwork and interdependence among teachers and administrators is a great way to continuously improve our school or district. 
  3. You are hungry for evidence that students are learning and are ready to respond immediately when timely feedback tells you otherwise.
Science of Reading

Science of Reading


Sec. 44.2. Not later than July 15, 2023, and not later than July 15 of each year thereafter, each school corporation shall report on the school corporation's website the following: 


(1) The name and publisher of the school corporation's adopted reading and writing curricula, listed by grade level. 


(2) Information regarding remedial programs provided by the school corporation, including the grade levels for which the remedial programs are provided. 


(3) Contact information of a designated administrative contact who can provide information regarding the information described in subdivisions (1) and (2). 

Grade Level and Adopted Reading & Writing Curricula 
Kindergarten - 4th Grade
Wonders → McGraw Hill
Heggerty → Heggerty
Orton Gillingham → M. A. Rooney Foundation
 5th - 8th Grade
Reading Reconsidered → Uncommon Schools/Jossey-Bass
High School
SpringBoard → CollegeBoard
Grade Level and Literacy Intervention Resources
Kindergarten - 4th Grade
Headsprout → Learning A-Z
Heggerty → Heggerty
IXL → IXL Learning
Orton Gillingham → M. A. Rooney Foundation
Read Naturally → Read Naturally
Waterford →
95% Group → 95 Percent Group
 5th - 8th Grade
IXL → IXL Learning
Read Naturally → Read Naturally (5th-6th)
High School
IXL → IXL Learning


All curricula and resources align with the Science of Reading, which is a research-based instructional model that requires the use of five elements of literacy instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. 


Please direct all questions to Dr. Brooke Worland, Assistant Superintendent.


Library Material Review

The school libraries housed within the School Corporation support and enrich the curriculum, students’ personal interests, and learning. Despite the careful selection of materials and the qualification of those involved in the selection process, objections to school library materials may occur.


A parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the Corporation or a community member who resides within the geographic boundaries of the Corporation (“Requester”) may submit a request to remove material from a school library on the grounds that the material is obscene or harmful to minors as those terms are defined by the Indiana criminal code: 


35-49-2-1 Obscene matter or performance


A matter or performance is obscene for purposes of this article if:


(1) the average person, applying contemporary community standards, finds that the dominant theme of the matter or performance, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest in sex;


(2) the matter or performance depicts or describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct; and


(3) the matter or performance, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. 


35-49-2-2 Matter or performance harmful to minors


A matter or performance is harmful to minors for purposes of this article if:


(1) it describes or represents, in any form, nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, or sado-masochistic abuse;


(2) considered as a whole, it appeals to the prurient interest in sex of minors;


(3) it is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community as a whole with respect to what is suitable matter for or performance before minors; and

(4) considered as a whole, it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. 


The Requester should first discuss the item of concern with the building principal. If the concern still exists after communicating with the administration, the Requester can make a request to remove the material by completing a Removal Request Form explaining why the requester believes the material is obscene or harmful to minors and submitting the same to Superintendent or designee.


A request for removal of school library material will be treated as a request to remove the material from all school libraries. Notwithstanding, material subject to a request for removal will be removed from circulation to allow the committee members to read the book. 


Upon receipt of a completed Removal Request Form the Superintendent will convene a review committee (“Committee”) to review the request for removal and the subject material. The Committee will include at a minimum: a district level administrator, a District Media Specialist, a teacher, a building level administrator, and a school employee who lives within the geographic boundaries of the Corporation (if not already fulfilled by another Committee member).


When considering the request for removal, all Committee members should fully review the material (read or view the entire work), so that the Committee may consider the material in its entirety. The Committee shall consider both whether the material subject to the request is obscene and whether it is harmful to minors, regardless of whether the request is based on just one or the other ground for removal. Upon completion of its review, usually within thirty (30) school days, the Committee will provide the Requester and the Board of School Trustees with a written recommendation.


If the Requester is not satisfied with the recommendation of the Committee, a written appeal may be made within ten (10) school days to the Board of School Trustees. The appeal should be sent to Superintendent or designee. The Board will review the recommendation and appeal at the next public meeting.


If the Requester submits no appeal, the Board will make its decision based on the recommendation of the Committee. The request for removal, Committee recommendation, and any appeal will be reviewed by the Board at the next public meeting following the recommendation.


The Corporation will not process requests regarding school library material previously subject to this procedure absent extenuating circumstances.




Adopted: December 11, 2023

References: IC 20-26-5.5 et seq.

IC 35-49-2-1 – Definition of “obscene”

IC 35-49-2-2 – Definition of “harmful to minors” 

Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) classes provide high school students the opportunity to take college courses and earn college credit for their work. Franklin Community High School is committed to providing all students with access to academically challenging coursework before they enroll in AP classes. The AP program at Franklin Community High School is committed to making equitable access a guiding principle by giving all willing and academically prepared students the opportunity to participate in AP.   

College Credit

The AP program at Franklin Community High School is a cooperative educational endeavor of secondary schools, colleges and the College Board. All Indiana state colleges and universities grant credit and/or advanced placement to students who perform satisfactorily on AP examinations by scoring a 3, 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Exam.

AP Classes

Franklin Community High School offers the following AP courses:

  • 2-D Art and Design
  • Calculus AB
  • Chemistry
  • Drawing
  • English Language and Composition
  • English Literature and Composition
  • Physics 1
  • Research
  • Seminar
  • World History: Modern
More Information

For more information regarding Advanced Placement, go to the College Board Website:



Dual Enrollment - Indiana College Core

Franklin Community High School has officially partnered with Indiana University-Bloomington to offer Indiana College Core (ICC) to four-year college-bound students. ICC is a dual credit enrollment partnership between post-secondary institutions and Indiana high schools where students can earn up to 30 credit hours of general education coursework by the time they graduate high school.

Dyslexia Services

Indiana’s definition of Dyslexia is based on the International Dyslexia Association’s definition "as a specific learning disability that: 

  • is neurological in origin and characterized by difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and poor spelling and decoding abilities; 
  • typically results from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction; 
  • may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede the growth of vocabulary and background knowledge; and 
  • may require the provision of special education services after an eligibility determination is made in accordance with Article 7."
Screening Process

Specific dyslexia screeners will be administered to 2nd Grade students in the fall (BOY), 1st Grade students in the winter (MOY), and to Kindergarten students in the spring (EOY).


Universal Screening 

A predictive measure that provides a snapshot of the student.  The dyslexia-specific screening will be administered to ALL K-2 students annually. The six components required by law to screen for dyslexia-like characteristics include: 

  • Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
  • Sound and Symbol Relationships
  • Alphabet Knowledge
  • Decoding Skills
  • Rapid Naming Skills
  • Encoding Skills

Students in grades 3+ will be screened on an as-needed basis, as determined by the classroom teacher based on the student’s need in the 6 components.


Level I Screener 

A screener administered to students who are deemed “At Risk” on the Universal Screener. The Level I screener gathers additional data through diagnostic measures that can be used for progress monitoring and to help decide on interventions.


Level II Screener 

A screener administered to students for additional information. Level II screeners are a battery of norm-referenced assessments that are considered both formal and diagnostic.


If screeners indicate the need for intervention services, the intervention may include: 

  • Explicit direct instruction that is systematic, sequential, and cumulative and follows a logical plan of presenting the alphabetic principle that targets the specific needs of the student without presuming prior skills or knowledge of the student; 
  • Individualized instruction to meet the specific needs of the student in a setting that uses intensive, highly concentrated instruction methods and materials that maximize student engagement; 
  • Meaning-based instruction directed at purposeful reading and writing with an emphasis on comprehension and composition; 
  • Instruction that incorporates the simultaneous use of two or more sensory pathways during teacher presentations and student practice; and 
  • Other instructional approaches as determined appropriate by the RTI Team, Grade Level Team, and/or classroom teacher, including: Headsprout, Waterford, Read Naturally, 95% Group Intervention kit, Heggerty Phonemic Awareness


2019-2020 - N/A due to COVID-19
2020-2021 - 25
2021-2022 - 34
2022-2023 - 37
2023-2024 - 69


First Grade

2019-2020 - 21
2020-2021 - 45
2021-2022 - 11
2022-2023 - 37
2023-2024 - 17


Second Grade

2019-2020 -37
2020-2021 - 37
2021-2022 - 14
2022-2023 - 43
2023-2024 - 15


This indicates the number of students who were identified as having characteristics of dyslexia based on the Dyslexia Screening Assessments and receiving reading interventions. Franklin Community Schools uses Orton Gillingham as its Dyslexia intervention program during the previous school year to support students with Dyslexia.   

High Ability Program

Franklin Community Schools is committed to academic rigor and continuous growth for all students, including students who perform at or show the potential to perform at, an outstanding level of academic accomplishment.

All students deserve to have content and instruction provided on their level, and the high-ability programming in the Franklin Community Schools aims to meet students' varied needs through curriculum and programming designed for high-ability learners.

Franklin Community Schools is also committed to the overall growth of the high ability child, including social and emotional growth. Please click through our information on this site to learn more about our offerings for high-ability students. 


Franklin Community Schools recognizes that some students perform at, or show the potential to perform at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in the core academic areas of language arts and mathematics. These students are found in all socio-economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Franklin Community Schools recognizes the need to identify such students through systematic, ongoing procedures. The High Ability program provides a supportive learning climate that will enrich learning so students can maximize their academic potential and develop emotionally and socially in order to be contributing members of society.


"High ability student" means a student who:

1.  performs at or shows the potential for performing at an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one of the following domains: general intellectual, reading/language arts, or math, when compared with other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and

2.  is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interests.


Franklin Community Schools uses a multifaceted identification process to identify students who match the definition of a high-ability student in grades K-12 in the Franklin Community Schools. Each spring students in 2nd, 4th and 6th grades are included in the identification process that begins by using achievement data from NWEA MAP reading and math testing.


Students are placed into an identification pool by classroom teachers using this achievement data, and parents also have the ability to include their students in the identification pool as well. Once the identification pool is determined, the students are administered the Cognitive Abilities Test and classroom teachers complete the Scales to Identify Gifted Students.


In Kindergarten, all students take the Cognitive Abilities Test and the NWEA MAP testing and therefore all students are considered for high ability through our process. All of the achievement data, cognitive (ability/intelligence) data and qualitative data are gathered and a committee consisting of teachers from across the district and chaired by the High Ability Coordinator meets to make the high-ability placement decisions. 

Should a family disagree with the decision made by the committee, there is an appeal process.

New Student ID Process

Franklin Community Schools is committed to making sure that all new students to the school district are also given the opportunity to be included in our high ability services and programming. Please use the process included in the letter to prospective or new families to the district for more information. You may also check with the office of the Franklin school that your child will be attending.

Program Recognition
The Franklin Community Schools have been recognized by the Indiana Department of Education as a district of Promising Practice in the area of high ability programming. Our Promising Practice is one of 200 education or wrap-around service programs to be recognized by the Department in honor of Indiana’s bicentennial celebration.

Identified programs, like FCS’ High Ability Program, are student-centered and focus on positively impacting students through innovative programming and activities that provide a high-quality learning environment and experience.  Franklin Community Schools’ High Ability Programming Promising Practice will be shared with educators across the state of Indiana as an example of best practices that are having a positive impact on Hoosier students.

Broadbase Planning Committee

Franklin Community Schools has a Broadbase Planning Committee consisting of administrators, teachers, parents, students and community stakeholders that meets at least once per school year to discuss and advise on high-ability services. 


If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Dr. Mark Heiden, High Ability Coordinator at 317.346.8800 or

Special Education

Franklin Community Schools provides a continuum of programs and services for students with disabilities ages 3 through 21. FCS is committed to working with families, teachers and administrators to educate each student in the least restrictive environment. The majority of the students with disabilities attend their neighborhood school and are educated with non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate, as described in their Individualized Education Plan. 

Accessibility Vision

Franklin Community Schools is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities. FCS strives to ensure that services, educational materials, information and methods are accessible to ALL students.


Franklin Community Schools is dedicated to the accessibility of curricular materials, strategies and websites for all students and families. FCS has an underlying belief that every person has the right to pursue a free and appropriate public education with as much independence, dignity, equity, comfort and equivalent ease of use as possible.

Report an Issue

To report an issue related to the accessibility of content or to request access to any content that is currently unavailable, please contact Jennifer Scott. We will provide the information in an alternate format and/or make the necessary improvements to make the information accessible. 

Naturalization Examination Student Results

Indiana schools that offer the naturalization examination to students enrolled in a U.S. Government course are required to report the results information for each semester or trimester.

2023-2024, Semester 1 and 2

Number of students who took the naturalization examination: 314

Number of students who passed the naturalization examination by a score of not less than sixty percent (60%) on their first attempt: 308

Pass rate of the naturalization examination regarding the students who participated: 98.1%